August 24th Game Day at Steve Thornes's House in Escondido: AAR

SoCal ASL Forums General Forum SD Game Days August 24th Game Day at Steve Thornes's House in Escondido: AAR

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  • #4770
    Jim Aikens

    We had 3 members in attendance for the August edition of our San Diego Game Day at Steve Thorne’s house.

    Actually, Steve cut out for a couple of hours to watch his grandson’s football game. Fred Timm and I set up the Schwerepunkt scenario “Cat Chow”, with Fred as the Germans against me and Steve as the Russians.

    I saw Dave Perham and Dave Derizinski play this at E.K. last weekend and it looked pretty cool. The Russians get 21 squads, 5 T-34’s and 2 KV’s that have to haul ass across 3 board widths (and a lot of open ground) to capture some buildings. The Germans get a couple of platoons of infantry and an 88L as a screening force, with another platoon, 2 Tigers and a PzIII N as reinforcements.

    Fred had a good, forward defense set to kick the Russians in the groin as then entered. They really need to do that. The Russians have a long way to go, but they have 8 turns, and the Germans really need to slow them down. Unfortunately Fred had a lot of lousy dice rolls on the first couple of turns, and didn’t really inflict enough damage on the Russians. The dice rolls averaged out a bit in the mid-game once the Tigers came on, but his German infantry had been chewed up pretty badly during their fighting withdrawal. We finally called it a Russian victory at the end of turn 6; the Germans had simply run out of infantry and there were too many Russian squads.

    This is a fun scenario and it’s probably balanced. But a retrograde maneuver under fire is probably the hardest thing to pull off in ASL. Basically there is no room for error. Not that Fred didn’t play an excellent game, he certainly did. But he wasn’t able to inflict enough losses on the Russians early enough to keep the pressure off his troops while they withdrew. This scenario is just too unforgiving on the Germans if they’re rolling high.

    Fred was a good sport when his dice were cold in the early going. He always brings his ‘A’ game and is always a pleasure to play. We enjoyed the scenario and had a lot of fun. We made our usual trip to Farmer Boys for lunch. Thanks once again to Steve and his wife Julie for opening up their home for us. It was a great day of ASL!

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