We had seven players and a cameo appearance from Eric Visnowski for our July meeting of the Red Barricades Project.
Jim Cotugno, Chris Castallana and I met at 10:00 AM to set up the Russians for the October 20th CG date. Although I already had a set-up sketched out, Jim reminded me that the German west board edge entry area extended to A22 on this CG date. That required some re-working of my plan, followed by the German set-up done by Dan Plachta, Mike Cirrincione, Michael Pitts and Stephan Tourville.
We got underway right after lunch at 1:00 PM, and played through two full turns. Casualties were fairly light for both sides, though by the end of turn 2 the Germans were out of OBA. We wrapped up around 6:00 PM.
It was great to see everyone and enjoy a pleasant afternoon of ASL.