Routing question.

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  • #4501
    David Rosner


    Must a broken unit ever rout from inside a pillbox?
    If you can please site the rule section.

    Thanks in advance.


    King Scott

    To be more specific, will a broken unit in a pillbox surrender to a unit in the same hex outside the pillbox?

    A20.2 says, “Any broken Infantry unit during its RtPh that is both ADJACENT to Known, Good Order, armed enemy Infantry/Cavalry and unable to rout away from it or only able to rout while being subject to Interdiction or resorting to Low Crawl (regardless of how it actually routs or if the possible Interdictor is Known to it), will surrender to that enemy unit as its prisoner instead…”

    Now, he doesn't have to rout, because he is in a pillbox, but he is definitely unable to rout away.

    It seems like he meets the conditions for surrender: He's broken during the RtPh, he's adajacent to armed enemy inf, and he's unable to rout.

    However, I am still noob and am probably missing something… !lol


    King Scott

    I cross-posted this over on gamesquad and got one answer/explanation. Apparently because the squad is in the pillbox, he isn't subject to rout and so the line, “…unit during its RtPh that is…” doesn't apply because the unit does not have a rout phase?

    Is this correct? Units have phases?

    Is the only way to get a unit out of a pillbox to eliminate either the unit or the pillbox?


    Don't have to rout from a pillbox -see B30.5 – but you may if you can and want.

    Also, seems units in & out of PB are not ADJACENT since the outside guys can't advance in (B30.44).

    I'd say no surrender for failure to rout since routing is not required.

    “its RtPh” refers to the period within the whole RtPh when that specific unit (it) is routing. Similar to “its MPh”. Check out the ASOP I believe.

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