ASL SK1 Assault Movement & Other Activities During MPh

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  • #4308
    Jim Aikens

    OK time for another noob question. If a unit lays smoke in an adjacent hex and then wants to assault move, can that be done? Or does the assault move consume all the MP a unit has?



    David Rosner

    Hey Nick,

    If I am reading the rules correctly you won't be able to do it, since it will use all the MMC movement. A MMC placing smoke and moving into it, if it is open ground would use all of his MFs (4).

    The way I see it:
    Placing smoke in adj hex = 2MFs
    Moving into open ground with smoke = 1 MF for open ground plus 1MF for moving into smoke for a total of 4 MFs.

    You could do it if the MMC was stacked with a leader which increases its' MFs from 4 to 6.

    Declare assult movement
    Place smoke into an adjacent hex = 2MFs
    Move 1 hex (open ground) into smoke = 2MFs
    Leaving 2MFs. And since it did not take all of the units movement factors it could assult move.

    Hope this helps.

    And since I am a noob also, please correct me if you see and flaws.


    You can also CX. Another way is for another squad to lay smoke, then you can AM another into the new smoke.

    Jim Aikens

    So exactly how many MF are expended during assault movement? The rules say the unit can only move one hex, but they don't state how many MF are expended when that action occurs. I guess it's assumed that all MF are expended? When using the original example, if CX can be used then it appears assault movement would be 4MF, with the laying of smoke in an adjacent hex 2MF for a total of 6MF? What if the terrain being moved into takes 2MF, such as a building? Is assault movement still possible without CX? Using the logic above it would take a MMC 6MF to move into a building using Assault Movement – 2MF for the building hex and 4MF for Assault Movement. Is this correct?

    Candice, thanks for the advice recommending a unit other than the one assault moving to lay smoke! I'll definately use that tactic.

    David Rosner

    @Candice wrote:

    You can also CX. Another way is for another squad to lay smoke, then you can AM another into the new smoke.

    I didn't think you could use AM and go CX at the same time.

    David Rosner

    You can move 1 hex during assault movement , and for a MMC alone you can use up to 3 movement factors to move that 1 hex.

    If you used 4 movement factors to move 1 hex in it would use all a MMC's movement factors up which isn't allowed, so you couldn't use assault movement .

    Taking your example of moving into a building using assault movement.
    You would assault move 1 hex into the building which cost 2 movement factors, so it is ok to use assault movement.

    I think the main point when using assualt movement is that you can't use all of you movement factors up.

    Hope this helps


    Jim Aikens

    Ah! Thanks Mike! That does clear it up.


    Ah, yes. Looked it up and CX is excluded.

    Don't forget to try for Smoke with troops other than Americans. I've laid Smoke with German 467s and 548s. Sometimes it can be a lifesaver, but not to be relied on.


    Did I just read several SK players posing and answering questions without one single nosey “Veteran” voicing their opinion? So…awesome….

    And by the way, you got it right.

    Nick, think of movement purely as the cost to enter a new hex. So it costs 2 MF to enter a building. +1MF if there is SMOKE. +1 MF if you are crossing a wall. Once you have the total cost, you can then figure out if you can enter and what type of movement you can use. Assault movement limits you to one hex but it may cost you different MF to enter that 1 hex. This is important not only in determining IF you can assault move but also in determining how many movement points are expended for defenders to use to fire upon you. Oh! You used 3 MF to enter that hex? Lookee here! My MTR just got rate AGAIN….bang bang bang…

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