HOB's The Long March

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  • #4420
    King Scott

    Heat of battle recently released a scenario pack covering the Chineese Civil War called “The Long March”…currently available from HOB's website for $32.00 (shipping included), was $25 pre-order. I am excited about these scnearios because they cover an area almost totally untouched by ASL currently…Red Chineese against KMT.

    The pack contains a total of 17 scenarios. There is also a CG that links 14 of the scenario together. The CG assigns each scenario a number of points that can be awarded based upon CVP inflicted in each.

    The scenarios are mostly infantry-only affairs, with one scenario that has some AC's in it, and two scenarios with some cavalry. Lots of 3FP troops contained in these scenarios with few support weapons. There are no special rules for the scenario pack, just the individual SSR's (HOB calls them “Historical Rules”) on each scenario card. Scenario card layout is in the standard HOB format, with the quality on par with their other releases.

    Briefly, here's a run-down on the scenarios:

    LM1 Recruiting Tactics – 6 turns, two half boards, retreating Red Army force attempting to lead KMT forces into a trap of HIP Red Army.

    LM2 Resisting Constriction – 6.5 turns, one half board, KMT attacking fortified Red Army position (PB's & Trenches), KMT gets Air Support.

    LM3 The Culling at Xiang River – 9 turns, two boards, Red Army units backed upagainst a river must hold out against a KMT attack supported by armored cars.

    LM4 Taking a Different Route – 6 turns, one half board, large KMT infantry force (25 squads) must attacke through a Red Army line trying to delay them (16 squads).

    LM5 Bridging the Wu – 6.5 turns, two half boards, Red Army asault to expand a river-crossing beachhead, with engineers constructing foot-bridges under fire.

    LM6 Forced to Reconsider – 6.5 turns, two half boards, Red Army attack to clear two KMT fortified areas (PB's & Trenches).

    LM7 More Than He Could Chew – 7 turns, two half boards, Red Army attack on a small KMT garrison, but the KMT receives reinforcements on all seven turns.

    LM8 The Race to Loushan Pass – 9 turns, one half board, Red Army and KMT both enter from opposite sides of the playing area with both players bidding for sides and the VC's being modified depending upon how each player bid.

    LM9 Return to the Wu River – 9 turns, two half boards, KMT trying to stop the Red Army from exiting (CVP also factors into the VC's).

    LM10 Those Left Behind – 8 turns, one full board and two half boards using a unique configuration, Red Army trying to fight their way through the KMT to exit, while the KMT is trying to capture the Red Army commisar.

    LM11 Midieval Warfare – 8 turns, two half deluxe boards, KMT defending a walled city against attack by the Red Army, with streets representing the city wall and the KMT having an SSR for dumping “Porridge Cauldrons” over the walls.

    LM12 Two Coins for the Ferryman – 7 turns, three half boards, Red Army defending river crossing points from the attacking KMT.

    LM13 Fierce Tiger in the Fog – 7 turns, one half board, KMT defending against Red Army attack in the fog (which will not go away).

    LM14 Luting Bridge – 6 turns, one half board, Red Army attacking across a partially-dismantled bridge that the KMT are defending.

    LM15 Lazikou Pass – 7 turns, one quarter board in play (rows P-AA on one board), KMT defending against a Red Army attack, with some Red Army units on Climb counters on a cliff armed with only DC's and a groud attack force.

    LM16 Cutting Off the Tail – 7 turns, two boards, KMT cavalry attack against Red Army force.

    LM17 More Than Four Horsemen – 7 turns, two boards (HOB I and HOB II), weak Red Army force defending against a KMT cavalry attack, but KMT has a CVP cap they need to watch.

    Semper Fi!

    David Rosner

    Thanks for the review Scott!

    Jim Aikens

    Thanks for the review Scott; sounds like some interesting stuff in that pack. I'm guessing some of those scenarios would be just the right size for playing at a Game Day (hint, hint) :)

    King Scott

    @Jim Aikens wrote:

    Thanks for the review Scott; sounds like some interesting stuff in that pack. I'm guessing some of those scenarios would be just the right size for playing at a Game Day (hint, hint) :)

    …the problem is that I never seem to be able to make it to Game Days lately. :(

    Semper Fi!


    You gotta play to win.

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