Progress Report: 05/9/2015 "Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm" CG

SoCal ASL Forums General Forum OC Game Days Progress Report: 05/9/2015 "Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm" CG

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  • #4850
    Jim Aikens

    We had seven members for our Campaign Game Day at St. Crispin’s on Saturday. As usual, Scott Thompson and I were in command of the Germans against Dave Kocot and Jim Cotugno as the Russians. Mario Goldorin returned from a long absence to provide his dice rolling skills and neutral commentary. We were joined by Dave Williams and his friend Joe. Originally they had planned to play a scenario, but we recruited them to our CG Game, with Dave joining the German side and Joe the Russians.

    We opened the action for the first CG date of Shield of Cholm at the bottom of turn 3, with 4 Russian fighter bombers in the air above us. The Germans had a scheduled glider landing, bringing in our only reinforcement for the CG. Lucky for us, they were a turn late, and faced only 2 of the FB instead of 4. Attempts by the Germans to reposition some of our forces were met with deadly point attacks from the air. But our 82mm Mortar in the landing area went on a rate-tear and pulverized almost all of the Soviet infantry Dave K. had brought in to take on our reinforcements while they were vulnerable.

    Turn 4 saw the Russian attack grinding forward across a wide front, and on the bottom of turn 4 the German infantry landed safely, as the Soviets chose to use their two remaining FB to hammer our repositioning infantry. We called it a day after completing the top of turn 5.

    Around the middle of the day Dave W. and Joe broke out to set up “The Tractor Works”, and at various times our CG players kibitzed and assisted in that game. Because I had to leave for a family function, we wrapped up the CG around 5:00 PM, but Dave W., Joe, Dave K. and Jim C. remained behind with the scenario.

    I really like this CG. It’s mostly infantry, with a nice mix of forces, an interesting board and challenges for both sides. It’s definitely a winner, and a good choice for our venue.

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