Progress Report: 06/13/2015 "Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm" CG

SoCal ASL Forums General Forum OC Game Days Progress Report: 06/13/2015 "Kampfgruppe Scherer: The Shield of Cholm" CG

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  • #4856
    Jim Aikens

    Jim Cotugno was kind enough to let me know a couple of weeks ago he wasn't going to be available for the CG Game yesterday at St. Crispin's. Since it would have been fairly overwhelming for Dave Kocot to run the Russians entirely alone, we agreed in advance that we would suspend our CG for this month and play a scenario instead. We chose the big Action Pack scenario “Empire's Fall”. It's all infantry, played on boards 40, 9A and 8B, and has two companies of Brit's spread out defending against a variety of victory conditions against two reinforced companies of well-led Japanese infantry. It's 10 turns, but there are 3 sudden death points where the Japanese can score an early win.

    Dave Kocot took the Brits against me and Scott Thompson as the Japanese. Mario Goldgorin provided his dice rolling skills and neutral commentary with his friend Bill observing. You have to love a scenario that opens with two Banzai charges, and by turn 2 the carnage was pretty horrific. By a lucky turn of events (related to all of us misreading the VC's) Scott and I just barely scored an early victory on turn 3. Good thing we had, since we were rapidly running out of troops, and would have been out of it otherwise.

    It was a fun scenario with a lot going on. But if you decide to play it, make sure you allow plenty of time, because it's a monster.

    We had our usual gamer's lunch care of the St. Crispin's group, and Dave, Scott and I retired to Round Table Pizza for dinner. It was a nice day of ASL.

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