Scenario Designer's Handbook

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  • #4350
    King Scott

    I just picked up the Scenario Designer's Handbook from, written by Michael Dorosh. The book is softcover, 216pp and in color. This is a pretty impressive aid for scenario design. The handbook covers the basics of scenario design and includes sections for research, identification (naming a scenario), victory conditions, playtesting and balancing, and SSRs. Full-color thumbnail pictures of all of the core ASL maps (1-55, x – z, and a – h) and overlays (through AAO and including annuals, journals and AP2) make it easy to see at a glance the best candidate terrain for a scenario.

    The meat of the handbook is dedicated to covering the different nationalities in ASL. Notes and organizations for all of the major combatants plus the Axis and Allied minors are represented, including platoon and/or company charts for squad, SW, and SMCs. I haven't noticed any errors, but I do have some questions about some of the platoon strengths for some of the listed forces such as the U.S. paratroopers — I would need to research this or compare it to the Steve Swann articles to see if it is actually in error. Divisional insignias are included for some of the German, US, and Commonwealth forces.

    The appendices include lists of ranks, a sampling of combat awards for some of the nationalities, and even a chart of moon phases for 1939-45. The book also includes a couple of scenarios in which the author walks the reader through the design process.

    This is a good one-volume reference. There may be better reference materials out there, but having a lot of good info in one place is much more convenient than searching through a dozen different books. The handbook is printed to order by LuLu and lists for $59.95. You can order it here: Scenario Designer's Handbook at LuLu

    Maybe I'll finally get off my butt and design those scenarios I've been wanting to do for years.

    Jim Aikens

    Thanks for the review, Drew. Do you feel the information contained is worth the $60 price tag? I assume it's actually more than that once you've factored in handling and postage.

    King Scott

    The price with shipping will be more like $70. Is it worth it? Hmm, depends. If the price dropped by $20-25 then yes, otherwise probably not unless you are an ASL completist that has to have everything. Better to tag the item so that someone can pick it up for you as a birthday gift, or split the cost with someone and share it (club resource for Melee Pack designs?). For 70 bucks you can pick up an ASL module or other wargame, or pick up 3 Schwerpunkt scenario packs, all of which would be better investments. There's nothing wrong with the handbook — I like it and am glad I got it — it's just a question of value.

    King Scott

    Thanks for the review
    I agree it sound great but overpriced.
    Perfect for the Gucci Wargamer who has everything.

    King Scott

    Has anyone picked up Mark Pitcavidge's Scenario Design Guide? I believe it is a little cheaper, and it comes with two scenarios…sounds like the better bargain to me. I've been meaning to pick it up myself, but I always seem to forget about it.

    Semper Fi!

    King Scott

    I have Pitcavage's Scenario Designer's Guide as well. It's good and a better bargain. It's about 70 pages and includes two scenarios. Pitcavage's guide concentrates almost exclusively on scenario design, where the Handbook has some design and a lot of material devoted to the different combat forces. The latter part is good if you don't have all of the Posey and Swann articles from The General and the Annuals and want to know how to represent a company of Italian infantry or Red Army parachutists. The Handbook also has scenarios: two are “real” and there are also two versions of a fictitious Saving Private Ryan scenario. I'll try to remember to bring both along to WCM (assuming I make it) so that anyone interested can take a look.

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