WCM XIV: RB "The Last Bid"

SoCal ASL Forums General Forum West Coast Melee WCM XIV: RB "The Last Bid"

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  • #4600

    Howdy guys:

    Anyone else interested in committing to playing the WCM “epic” scenario for this year? I'll pledge “in for the duration” myself if we can get at least one more guy.

    I haven't yet played that one but have played a little RB and have been discussing this scenario with a friend on GameSquad. According to him (he's a very experienced ASL'r and has played a ton of RB), it's about a 50 hr scenario, exciting and very well-balanced.

    I think shooting for completing 2/3 of the scenario at the melee (i.e., through GT 14) is a reasonable goal. I'd be happy to then record units/locations and set up the game at my place in Burbank, where we could finish it in probably two more sessions later.


    Jim Aikens

    Hey Kevin,

    I expect to be available for the majority of time to play The Last Bid (when I'm not running the show.) Don Petros has also expressed a desire to join in. I'm sure we'll have more once we get there.



    Thanks, Jim! Looking forward to it!


    Jim Aikens

    I'll probably jump in. I most likely won't make it until Saturday. Matt R.


    I am thinking about playing that, I don't know about finishing it at a later date, but I think I can commit to the WCM play time.

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