Forum Replies Created
January 12, 2018 at 3:12 am #6174
MemberHi Brian, I'm in Brentwood, not too far away, maybe we could meet half way somewhere?
March 15, 2013 at 6:44 pm #6188Robin
MemberChoo gottit, mine!
August 22, 2012 at 12:28 pm #6173Robin
I might be up for it. Is there any chance you would mind alternating between GH and Sun City? I wouldn't mind driving (about 1 hour 45 min drive for me to your house) up there but it would be nice to host at my house as well.
Let me know.
ChipAugust 17, 2012 at 4:17 pm #5866Robin
Not sure if you are still looking but I could do some nights on the weekends. Where do you live? I live in Sun City. Just joined the club.
951.639.7717August 16, 2012 at 6:57 pm #6147Robin
Did you finish school? Do you have time now? Where do you live?
ChipAugust 16, 2012 at 6:55 pm #6165Robin
I can't really do 8:30pm on the weeknights cause that is when I am getting into bed. I can do weekends, 5:45am to 7:15am weekdays, some weekday evenings. Let me know if any of these times are good for you.
I am new to VASAL but am willing to give it a go.
ChipAugust 16, 2012 at 6:24 pm #6180Robin
MemberOh and I almost forgot. I can do weekends as well. I have a spare room too in case the distance and travel are an issue.
August 16, 2012 at 4:01 pm #5949Robin
I live in Sun City and have a place to put up a campaign game. I was looking for a full time opponent too. I have VASAL loaded but have not used it yet so if that works I can try it.
Let me know,
951.639.7717 c.August 19, 2011 at 6:56 pm #6134Robin
MemberHowdy Shawn:
I live in Burbank myself so this sounds interesting to me. I'll try to stop by tonight. Looking forward to meeting you, and thanks for the post/info!
July 28, 2011 at 5:22 pm #6127Robin
I. Preliminaries
(Germans set up first; British move first. Ger SAN “4,” British “3”)
British Objectives: Well, in a nutshell, hope for a miracle. If the two HIP 6-pdr AT guns can knock out a large # of German tanks, and the Germans can somehow be held south of the Y12-Y18 road, or the X16-X10 crestline, the Brits will still have a chance. The odds against achieving this are, of course, long.
II. Setup
(This time I didn't get the German starting dispositions, but they were essentially strong along the German perimeter, ready to be unleashed).
BRITISH (red):
A (X17): 6-4-8 “walking wounded”
B (W18): LMG, 6-4-8 “walking wounded”
C (V16): 57L AT Gun (T16) + 2-2-8 HIP
D (U16): 6-4-8, Foxhole (1)
E (U15): 6-4-8, Foxhole (1)
F (U14): ? x2
G (X12): 57L AT Gun (W11) + 2-2-8
H (V11): 6-4-8 “walking wounded,” PIAT, Foxhole (1)
I (U12): 6-4-8 “walking wounded” x2, PIAT, LMG
J (U9): 3-3-8
K (V7): 3-3-8 “walking wounded”
L (Z8): 6-4-8, PIAT, Foxhole (1)
M (DD12): 8-0, 6-4-8 x3
N (JJ12): Ger. Kfz1 (captured), 2-4-8, PIAT
O (JJ3): LMG, 3-3-8
P (MM6): LMG, 3-3-8
Q (X18): 6-4-8 “walking wounded” x2 HIPIII. Operational Summary
(Here, in lieu of the turn-by-turn synopsis, I'll summarize the progress of the scenario in general terms):
Nadir's German Reinforcement Groups (another PzGr. Company + a Marder Platoon) again entered via A7. Thus no LePort entry, and the British forces there and in the vicinity will have to rush to the bridge area.
The British units on the frontline are quickly dealt with, and the Benouville school house and town hall are taken by turn 3. One of the AT Guns does manage to K.O. one of the Mk. IV's, but both are overrun by turn 4.
The Germans are unstoppable, and the few British units that survive the onslaught are withdrawn/routed to the Z13-Z17 line of buildings. By the end of German Turn 4, the Germans gain the X16-X10 crestline, and backup units + the new entry RG's are rapidly approaching.
At this point, with the Germans poised to take the Z13-Z17 building line, and/or rush the bridge, it appeared to me as if the game was up and it was time to admit the (probably) inevitable, and I tipped the British king.
IV. Analysis
From the outset, I kind of figured that it would be vital to minimize the # of airborne squad losses in order to have a chance. As such, that was the primary concern with every scenario — hence the conservative initial glider landing hexes.
One definitive strategic mistake I made as the Brits was in attempting to hold the S10-W10 line of hedges and part of the grain field to the west of it. This required gobs of foxholes, and provided the main German firebase (K-8, or “Firebase Kate”) with a steady supply of targets to shoot at. Many British squads were CR'd, and some eliminated, by having to eat all of this fire, which never let up. The inability to neutralize this position with any heavy weapons made it frustrating. The problem, of course, is the inability to rout without interdiction (from FB “Kate”) across the S11-W11 road into the town hall area. It probably would've been more sound to dig in east of the S11-V10 road, and defend the school house complex from there. Note that the Brits also lost a couple of squads in crossing the M15/N15 area enroute to the Chateau de Benouville, from rooftop MG fire. I would re-think that move.
The way the CG developed, Nadir's choice of bringing in all of the German RG's via A7 was sound. The Germans can afford the 1-2 turns of movement to contact for these units, and it maximizes the # of RG's available. That said, the British player cannot (again, at least as this CG progressed) afford to assume that a RG(s) will enter via KK1 (LePort), unless he is a gambler.
V. Conclusion
I must say that Nadir is a gentleman's gentleman, and it was/is a privilege to sit across from him playing ASL. There certainly is no shame in coming in 2nd facing him. And, as usual when we play, I learned a few things.
The PB CG itself, I think, is nearly perfectly-balanced, and I had a blast playing it. It's the most fun I've had playing ASL to date, but then I say that with just about every scenario. Meet you at Cafe Gondree for a brew…
July 20, 2011 at 5:17 pm #6126Robin
I. Preliminaries
(Germans set up first; British move first. SAN for both “3”)
British Objectives: First, ensure that the minimum number of Lovatt's forces make it across the bridge, to prevent an automatic German victory (PB 9.51). Secondarily, to maintain control of all of LePort with a minimum # of Lovatt's units. Unfortunately, this will require deployment of some airborne units there (this will have adverse consequences). Thirdly, to hold the school house/town hall buildings (U12, V12, W12), and as much of the fortifications in the S10/W10 hedge and S7 grain field as possible.
I fully anticipate a major German push, and major German terrain gains, during this scenario.
II. Setup
(Unfortunately, I forgot to record the starting locations for the British, but the following constitute the available British airborne forces for Day II):
10-2 (Col. Pine-coffin)
8-0 x3
6-4-8 x14
6-4-8 (“walking wounded”) x3
3-3-8 (“walking wounded”) x1
4-5-8 (“walking wounded”) x1
57L ATG x2 (+ 2-2-8 x2)
Ger. 50L ATG
LMG x8
Ger. MMG x1
Ger. LMG x1The known available German units in & about Benouville (Note: not including purchased reinforcements) are:
4-6-7 x14
4-6-8 x3
4-4-7 x1
4-3-6 x3
8-0 x4-5
PzKw IV H x2
50mm MTR x3
MMG x1-2
LMG x5-6Lovatt's forces will be divided into two columns:
1. Force “A:” (mission: get across bridge, entry via TT17): 8-1, 8-0, 6-4-8 x6 (NOTE: Only three squads are required to get across; the extra three are there “in case” and will be diverted east once the required units do get across).2. Force “B:” (mission: counter-attack advancing Germans in the town hall vicinity, utterly without regard to losses; entry via TT12!): 10-3, 9-1, 8-0, 6-4-8 x9
III. Operational Summary
BRITISH TURN 1: MPh: Lovatt's forces enter via double-time via TT12 & TT17. DFPh: The long-standing German K8 (L-1) firebase continues to be devastatingly effective, this turn stripping concealment from two British squads dug-in in the town hall grainfield. Two Mk IV tanks fire on British foxholes in U8/V7. Mostly uneventful.
GERMAN TURN 1: PFPh: The Mk IV's fire smoke into V7 & U8. MPh: Once again, the German RG's enter via A7. Three new Mk. IV's, carrying riders, move to K8, I10 & M7. In M7, the riders opt to “bail out” but roll “boxcars.” Four German flak truks(2x 37mm, 2x 20mm) move to (respectively) B16, N4, K7 & L2. APh: Several German concealed units advance ADJACENT to the British entrenchment line S9-V7.
BRITISH TURN 2: MPh: The lone British Sherman moves to AA18. DFPh: The German K8 firebase (now two MMG's, led by the 9-2 leader) continue to fire on the British entrenchment line. The German mortars, firing from the )5 & P4 slopes, fire on T8, CR'ing and disrupting a British squad there.
GERMAN TURN 2: PFPh: Firebase K8 fires on S10 (16 FP, +0), pinning a British squad there. MPh: Two Mk IV's move out, ending at AA1 & R7 (R7 approaching the British entrenchment line). DFPh: The German 10-2 (plus 3x 4-6-8's) is stripped of concealment in K12. One of the HIP British 6 pdr AT Guns is revealed, in X15, firing at the Mk. IV in AA1. A “miss,” with APCR depleted. AFPh: The German 10-2 stack in K12 fires on L12 (2x British squads), breaking one squad there. APh: The Germans gain their first British entrenchment positions in V7/U8/S9. RtPh: A disrupted British 3-3-8 HS in T8 surrenders to an ADJACENT 4-6-7.
CCPh: In L13, 1x )?) British 6-4-8 faces 2x German 4-6-7 + an 8-1 leader. The Germans gain “ambush” and wipe out the British squad. So far, the first two turns have been very bad for the British.BRITISH TURN 3: MPh: The lone British Sherman moves to X13. Lovatt's units move to Y10/Y11, and towards the bridge at Z17/AA17. DFPh: The German 10-2 kill stack, now in L12, fires on Col. Pine-coffin (dug in in N14 — breaking 1x British HS but leaving a squad there intact. Thus far, Col. Pine-coffin has been able to weather the German storm. British units in southern Benouville begin to withdraw, as best they can, to the high ground in the vicinitty of N11/O13. German pressure is relentless. CCPh: In V7, a pinned German 4-6-7 squad faces a British 6-4-8 squad + a 3-3-8 HS. This time, the Brits achieve “ambush,” and eliminate the German squad.
GERMAN TURN 3: PFPh: Firebase K8 continues to wreak havoc, breaking a British squad + HS dug in in V7. From L12, the German 10-2 kill stack once again fires on Col. Pine-coffin in N14; its 16 FP +0 attack has no effect, and one German MG is malfunctioned. MPh: One Mk. IV moves out from K9 to R8. The Mk. IV in AA1 (note: still carrying riders) starts, and is fired at again by the 6-pdr ATG in X15. A critical hit! The round destroys and burns the tank, along with the squad riders!
BRITISH TURN 4: MPh: Lovatt forces attempt to reinforce the British entrenchments west of the town hall have mixed success. Lord Lovatt himself is broken in X10 by a long-range shot from a 4-6-7 squad from AA1. Worse, two squads with him are also broken! The Germans are fighting like mad for these entrenchments. Losses on both sides are high. DFPh: One of the German 37mm flak truks (H14) kills 1x 2-4-8 HS stacked with Col. Pine-coffin and breaks the squad with him, with several ROF shots.
GERMAN TURN 4: PFPh: A Mk. IV in R8 CR's & disrupts a Lovatt squad in U10. A strong German FG (K14-L13-L12), with a hero, fires on Col. Pine-coffin in N14 (24 FP +1), breaking him and the squad with him. In the entrenchment field, three more British squads are broken by German Prep Fire. Things begin to go seriously wrong for the British now.
BRITISH TURN 5: MPh: The British Sherman bounding-fires WP at Firebase K8, scoring a WP hit, pinning the 9-2 and breaking one of the MMG squads. A lucky shot! Lovatt, with three Commando squads, moves out to V10, as a bitter all-out fight continues for the grainfield & entrenchments east of the Town Hall. APh: British units, albeit with extremely high losses, recapture most of the entrenchments in the grainfield.
GERMAN TURN 5: RPh: Col. Pine-coffin, in O12, rolls a “12” during his Rally attempt and is wounded. Another bitter blow for us. PFPh: A German flak truck in O5 breaks a Cdo PIAT squad in U10, which was threatening the two Mk. IV's in R8/S8. DFPh: Lovatt, with an LMG at extended range, KO's one of the German 37mm flak trucks in P2! APh: The German hero + 1x squad (w/ MMG) occupy the British foxhole in N14. CCPh: In N11, the German 10-2 + 3x squads (one concealed) face a lone British LMG/6-4-8. The Germans achieve “ambush,” and CR the British squad. Melee ensues. In O12, a lone German 4-6-8 faces a British 6-4-8. The British achieve “ambush,” and withdraw.
BRITISH TURN 6: MPh: The British airborne 7-0 (with flamethrower) leader is KIA (sniper) in W9. Lovatt and a squad are KIA dashing in U11 by “Firebase K8.” And, to complete the disastrous trifecta, Lt. Brotheridge is KIA in O16 by failed Wound Check. Only a single 8-0 airborne leader remains. At this point, with the loss of the two airborne leaders, things begin to darken for the British. CCPh: In Y2, a Cdo 9-1 + 6-4-8 faces a German 4-6-7, dug-in. The British prevail, eliminating the German squad.
GERMAN TURN 6: MPh: A berserk German squad moves out from K10 to S10. German units, now advancing steadily, occupy the O16 building. The British DD Sherman, in T11, is next victimized by a bounding-fire Mk. IV, which from Q12 achieves a Critical Hit on the Sherman, brewing it up! CCPh: In N11, a British 3-3-8 HS faces a German 8-0 + 2x squads. The Germans prevail.
BRITISH TURN 7: Mostly uneventful, except for a lone CC in S10 between a berserk German 4-4-7 squad and a British 6-4-8. The German squad is CR'd, and Melee results there.
GERMAN TURN 7: RPh: Yet another German berserker! A 4-6-7 in P10 joins the crowd. It moves into S10, joining the melee there. DFPh: The ubiquitous German sniper strikes again: Col. Pine-coffin, in S14, is KIA! CCPh: In S10, a (berserk) German 4-6-7 + a 2-3-7 HS faces a lone British 6-4-8 squad. No losses occur, and Melee persists. In S9, “No Surrender” Sgt. Williams (8-0) finds himself facing a German tank crew + 2-4-7 HS. Sgt. Williams succeeds in eliminating the German tank crew!
BRITISH TURN 8: Mostly uneventful, save for two CC's: In S9, “No Surrender” Williams is WIA by the remaining German HS. In S10, the berserk German 4-6-7 + 2-3-7 HS has no effect against the British squad. At this point, the scenario (mercifully, for the British but alas much too late) ends.
RePh: Finishing off the above two CC's, in S9 “No Surrender” Williams' luck runs out; he is KIA by the German HS, which gains a 7-0 leader in the process. In S10, the British squad succeeds in wiping out both German units!
The perimeter a the conclusion of Day II:
IV. Losses:
I. British: A total of 38 CVP's — most of them Lovatt forces west of the canal.
II. German: A total of 26 CVP'sRetained forces following Day II:
4-6-7 x14
4-6-8 x4
4-4-7 x2
4-3-6 x3
2-4-8 x1
2-3-7 x1
8-0 x5
7-0 x2Pz Kw IVH x4
37mm flak truck x2
20mm flak truck x1BRITISH:
6-4-8 x6
6-4-8 (“walking wounded”) x7
3-3-8 HS x1
3-3-8 (“walking wounded”) x1
2-4-8 (“walking wounded”) x1
8-0V. Outlook:
With the loss of all of the airborne leaders save one (Note: All of the Lovatt Force leaders were slated to disappear following this scenario whether they survived or not; ditto with their units and SW's), the handwriting is on the wall. For, the British once again will have to leave a garrison in LePort, and face nearly overwhelming odds approaching the bridge. The German snipers have indeed proven decisive in this CG.June 21, 2011 at 4:42 pm #6125Robin
I. Preliminaries
(British setup first; Germans move first. SAN for both “3”)British Objectives: The primary objective for this scenario was not to lose any ground from the line running (roughly) J15-J13-K13-K12-N11-Q11-X9. The British perimeter is the largest it will be for the entire CG, so my units are spread way too thin. The secondary objective was to garrison LePort, in the unlikely event that Nadir chose to enter a RG (or RG's) via KK1. Following this scenario, Lovatt's forces enter on Day II on the north edge, and their ability to get east of the canal (or, rather the failure to do so) is a German “instant win” victory condition.
So, as unlikely as it was that this would be the case, I was forced to spread the British out even thinner to cover LePort at least with delaying forces.
The intent was to convey the illusion that the Chateau de Benouville was heavily-defended, to perhaps make Nadir commit more forces to retaking it than was required. Note: This ended up being successful, but nearly worked too well, as these German forces soon moved out north, headed for building O16 — more on that to follow. The German LMG counter on the roof at the Chateau was sacrificed in the hope that it would be noticed in the stack of tan and as such maybe make the illusion more credible.
II. Setup
Legend:BRITISH (red):
A (Y20): 57L ATG (X18), 2-2-8
B (X20): Ger 50L ATG (V20), 2-4-8 “ww” x2
C (HH4, L1; HIP): Ger MMG, 3-3-8 “ww”
D (LL4): Foxhole 1s, LMG, 6-4-8 “ww” (?)
E (FF3, “WA”): LMG, 6-4-8 “ww” (?)
F (MM10): LMG, Fanatic 6-4-8
G (LL4): Kubelwagen, 2-4-8, PIAT x2
H (CC10): 2-4-8 “ww” (?)
I (BB9): 2-4-8 “ww” (?)
J (DD4): 2-4-8 “ww” (?)
K (Y13): 7-0, 6-4-8 x2
L (X9): PIAT, 6-4-8
M (W9): Foxhole 1s, IN: 6-4-8
N (Q10): Foxhole 1s, IN: LMG, 6-4-8
O (U10): Foxhole 1s, IN: 10-2, LMG, 6-4-8
P (U12): 8-0, 6-4-8 “ww” (?)
Q (Q11): 6-4-8 (WA), (?)
R (P11): 6-4-8 (?)
S (O16): 8-0, PIAT, 6-4-8 (?)
T (N11, L0): LMG, 6-4-8 (?)
U (N12): 8-0, PIAT, 6-4-8 (?)
V (M12): LMG, 6-4-8 (WA; ?)
W (K12): LMG, 6-4-8 (?)
X (K13): 6-4-8 (?)
Y (K14): 6-4-8 (?)
Z (E14, Roof): (?) x3, Ger LMG
AA (D13, L0): (?) x2
BB (D12): (?) x3
CC (C12): 6-4-8 (?)
DD (B12, L0): (?) x2(Not listed: 2nd Brit. 57L ATG; HIP & still unrevealed somewhere)
GERMAN (blue):
A (D4): 436
B (R2): 8-0, 447, 467
C (P3): 247+50mm Mtr
D (P4): GSW 39(f) stun marker VCA=Q6
E (R4): 467
F (M6): wounded 7-0
G (k8): L0: 467; L1: 468+MMG+9-2
H (E10): 447
I (G9): 8-0
J (H9): 467+LMG+9-1
K (J9): 447
L (k10): 467+LMG+9-1
M (L9): 467+LMG
N (G11): 467
O (I11): 467Off-board (PzG Coy – depleted, PzG Platoon – full, Med Tank Platoon – full)
3x PzIVH
467 x11
468 x2
8-1 x1
8-0 x2
50mm Mtr (dm) x2
LMG x2III. Operational Summary
GERMAN TURN 1: The German RG's for this scenario (a Medium Tank Platoon of 3x PzKw IVH's + at least another PzGrenadier Co.) enter via A7, as expected. The German reinforcements move out along the Benouville A8-H8 road; the tanks with riders to H6, I7, & K9.BRITISH TURN 1: The by-now-familiar German MMG strongpoint in K8 (L-1, with a 9-2 leader) continues to torment us — firing on our dug-in squad in W9 during the DFPh, the squad there is CR'd. Maintaining ROF, the MMG then is used to break another squad, in U10 (with Col. Pine-Coffin, also dug-in). A bad start to this scenario for the Red Devils.
GERMAN TURN 2: During Prep Fire, the German 105 SPG in M6 fires without effect into Q9 (1x (?) para squad having advanced there. MPh: Several concealed German stacks advance eastward through the D11 woods area towards the Chateau. Our lone trip-wire squad in C12 manages to break a single German 4-6-7, but two Brit. dummy stacks are revealed as such by other advancing Germans. The three German Mk. IV's move out to M9, O8 & T6. AFPh: A new MG in K8 breaks a para squad in Q11. Building K8 continues to be the most effective German position; it has effectiely pinned Col. Pine-Coffin in U10 for the duration of this scenario.
CCPh: Our lone Chateau defender squad in C12 is faced by 2x German 4-6-7's + a 4-4-7. But, luck is on our squad's side; the German CCDR is a “12,” allowing the paras to withdraw to C13 to fight another turn. In K11, a concealed para squad faces a 9-1 with two squads (4-6-7, 4-4-7). We maintain (?) and survive the Germans' attack. The Germans' luck in CC throughout this CG continues to be bad.BRITISH TURN 2: Mostly uneventful, but a German 50mm MTR squad in P3 is broken by low-odds fire from P11. The German MMG in K8 is malfunctioned, and we catch a break!
GERMAN TURN 3: The German MMG remains on the blink. MPh: In the Chateau area, a German squad is battle-hardened by fire in moving east to the chapel (B16). Now (much as hoped), massive numbers of Germans converge on the (undefended) Chateau de Benouville. One of the Mk. IV's moves out north to Z3, and BFF's vs. a “walking wounded” para squad in AA4 (having moved there from LePort), with no effect yet. A 2nd Mk. IV moves out from M9 to T6. The German SPG heads to a new firing position at M10. A concealed German LMG squad advances across the Rue du Grand Clos to M11. We hold fire, preferring to maintain concealment.
CCPh: In CC14, our now-pinned Chateau defender 6-4-8 squad faces 3x German squads (one concealed). The Brit. squad is eliminated and the Germans receive a brand-new 8-0 leader via their CCDR of “2.” Though not yet confirmed to them, the Chateau de Benouville is now German-controlled again. The rooftop German LMG is added to their arsenal. The German squad in M11 advances in to N11, and achieves ambush vs. a Brit. squad there. The Germans use the ambush to “withdraw” east to N12, now behind the British lines. Trouble!BRITISH TURN 3: The German MMG in K8 is once again in action, being repaired. DFPh: The “walking wounded” Brit. squad in AA5 is CR'd by fire from the Mk. IV in Z3, then eliminated by fire from a German squad in U4. Note: The Brit. squad's mission was to dig in around AA4 or AA5.
GERMAN TURN 4: PFPh: A German squad in C16 mops up the Chateau, which is declared secured. The German 105 SPG runs out of smoke in targeting N11, then proceeds to break one of two defending para squads there with an HE hit. It doesn't, though, get the other. MPh: The Mk. IV in Z3 moves out east, overruning a Brit. “walking wounded” 2-4-8 HS in AA9 (its mission was to dig in there), breaking it. The three Mk. IV's end the Mph in AA10, U8 & Z3. DFPh: From N11, a lucky PIAT shot KO's the SPG in M10! A German squad in M11 survives three fire attacks, and passes three MC's. Note: To ensure its later survival, this feat will go unrecognized, as the squad is later voluntarily broken and retreated back across the street.
BRITISH TURN 4: PFPh: An entrenched para squad in X9 fires a PIAT at extreme range vs. the Mk. IV in AA10 (3-hex range). A hit! And a penetration against the tank's side armor KO's it! The Red Devils' morale increases! DFPh: The squad next door (dug-in, W9) does not fare as well: A Critical Hit from a Mk. IV KIA's it.
GERMAN TURN 5: MPh: A Mk. IV moves out from U8 to AA5, using Bounding Fire (MG's) to CR and break a (newly-arrived) Brit. squad in BB4. At this point, the critical action of the scenario commences. The German squad that has gotten behind our lines is headed for either the O16, or either of the Brit. foxholes adjacent (N15 & N16). The large #'s of Germans which have retaken the Chateau now move out towards this area. If the Germans are able to take these three positions, it will place them in a very strong position for the Day II scenario setup. I cannot afford to lose these positions, so a desperate attempt to take them by Nadir and to hold them by me now becomes the focal point of the action.
A Brit. LMG squad in O15 scores first, killing a German 8-0 and breaking a 4-6-7 squad attempting to get to the J17 ditch from K15. British DF DR's are “on fire:” From M12 against K11, a German 8-1 leader is pinned, and all three German squads there are broken, by fire from a single Red Devil squad!
One of the Brit. 6-pdr AT Guns opens up, from Y20, against the Chateau rooftop (E15), but without effect. AFPh: One of the Brit. LMG squads (N14) covering the O16/N15/N16 area is battle-hardened to “fanatic.” Our luck continues to hold!
The infiltrating German squad is is broken, but manages to rout to building O16. Meanwhile, a German HS manages to sneak into the foxhole in N16.BRITISH TURN 5: PFPh: The 6-pdr in Y20 scores big against the Chateau rooftop: A German squad is CR'd, but the German 9-1 leader battle-hardens to “heroic.” Maintaining ROF, the next shot breaks the MG 2-4-7 HS — silencing the Germans on the Chateau rooftop. MPh: Two Briti. squads move ADJACENT to the broken German squad occupying building O16, to P15. It is once again “DM,” reducing — temporarily at least — its ability to rally and thus control the building. APh: We gain the upper hand in the O16/N15/N16 area, with two para squads + Lt. Brotheridge (8-0) reoccupying building O16.
GERMAN TURN 6: DFPh: The German HS in the N16 foxhole is KIA'd by the paras in O16. With that, the remaining German units moving (cautiously now) north along the L17-N17 ditch give up the ghost; the German attempt to rush these critical positions has failed. The German units begin retreating back towards the Chateau.
At this point, the scenario ends.
The perimeter at the conclusion of Day I:
IV. Losses:
I. BRITISH: 6-4-8 squads x2, 3-3-8 HS x4 (1x 6-4-8 “ww” squad received), 2-4-8 “ww” x2, 2-4-8 x1, 3-3-8 “ww” x1.II. GERMAN: 9-1, 8-0 leaders , GSW 39(f) SPG, PzKw IVH x1, 2-4-7 x6.
RePh Notes: A 2nd German 9-1 leader is eliminated by failed wound check on failed escape DR. Also, the wounded 7-0 leader is evactuated & removed).
V. Outlook:
Next comes the arrival of Lord Lovatt's commandos from Sword Beach. As things stand now, they appear to have a mostly clear route to the bridge. That could easily change, though — depending on the German RG choices (both by type and entry choices). From this point on, the Germans must set up first. It appears at this point to be anyone's game. Stay tuned…June 9, 2011 at 8:05 pm #6123Robin
I. Preliminaries
(British setup first; Germans move first. SAN: Ger “5,” Brit “3”)British Objectives: My objectives for this scenario were threefold:
1. Clear the entire area of LePort (hexrow BB & North)
2. In Benouville, take the following buildings: Q12, P11, P12, P13, N11, N12, & M12.
3. In the Benouville area, develop the situation as events/progress allow.Though the Germans move first in this scenario, their Reinforcement Groups will have to enter via off-map (probably from the A7 entry area), so I hope to have one (possibly two) turns of attacking before they can establish a strong line in front of me. The remnant German units from Night III in Benouville were weak in numbers and quality, so the intent is to overrun them, then move southward in Benouville and see what develops…
II. Setup
Legend:GERMAN (blue):
A. 4-3-6
B. 4-3-6 + 2-3-6
C. wounded 7-0 ldr
D. 4-4-7
E. 4-4-7
F. (Roof): 9-2 ldr + MMG + 2-3-7
G. 4-4-7
H. 8-1 + 8-0 ldrs, LMG
I. 2-3-8 HS (“from hell”)
J. 4-4-7 x2BRITISH (Red):
A. Foxhole (1), IN; 6-4-8, PIAT
B. 9-2 ldr, LMG, 6-4-8
C. “? x2
D. 3-3-8
E. 9-1 ldr, 6-4-8 x2, PIAT, LMG
F. Foxhole (1), IN: 6-4-8
G. Foxhole (1), IN: 6-4-8H. Foxhole (1), IN: 6-4-8, LMG. + 3-3-8 “walking wounded” x2
I. “?” x2
J. 7-0 ldr, 6-4-8 x2, LMG x2
K. IN Pillbox: 8-0 (Lt. Brotheridge), 2-4-8
L. 57L AT Gun (x22/Y22), 2-2-8
M. Ger. 50L AT Gun (W20/W21), 2-4-8 “walking wounded”
N. IN Trench: 57L AT Gun (W21/X20) + 2-2-8
O. 4-5-8 “walking wounded”
P. Foxhole (1), 8-0 ldr, 6-4-8 x3, PIAT x2, Ger. LMG
Q. 10-2 ldr (Col. Pine-Coffin), 6-4-8 x2, LMG x2
R. 6-4-8, 6-4-8 “walking wounded,” PIAT
S. 6-4-8, Ger. LMGT. (Isolated): 8-0 ldr, 6-4-8, LMG
U. 6-4-8, 3-3-8, LMG
V. 8-0 ldr, 6-4-8, 3-3-8III. Operational Summary
GERMAN TURN 1: As expected, the German Reinforcement Groups do enter via A7. Only a single vehicle (a 105mm GSW 39H PaK [f]) arrives, so Nadir must have received this group as depleted. All of the German infantry (Pretty much as anticipated, a PzGrenadier Co. + PzGrenadier Plt) double-time up the A8-I9 road, through Benouville. Concealed German units occupy the Chateau de Benouville rooftop at E17. Much will be heard from them shortly.BRITISH TURN 1: MPh: Ger. DFF from the rooftop unit (revealed as a 9-2 leader, with an MMG (2-3-7 HS) nails a British squad attempting to move out of a foxhole in N15, breaking & casualty-reducing it. Thus the Germans strike the first blow in this scenario; an unpromissing start for us. Meanwhile, in LePort the saga of “the Half-squad from hell” continues.
(Background: The initial German OB in the initial scenario provides a single Para [2-3-8] HS. During the Night II and Night III scenarios, this squad (usually manning a MG) made a continuous nuisance of itself, inflicting several losses on British units attempting to make it off of the bridge. We were able to break it once, but it quickly rallied and ended up being retained after the Night III scenario in the German LePort setup area)
In LePort, two Brit. HS moving out west to take the L'Eglise de Benouville cemetary & church are nailed by the Ger. para HS 9+ 1x 4-4-7 from the cemetery (HH13). Both are lost, and Turn 1 continues to go sourly at the outset for us. Further west in LePort, a concealed German stack (which I had guessed was a “dummy”) in FF11 turns out to be two leaders (8-1, 8-0) manning an LMG. They are able to hold their ground, breaking a Brit. squad and its 8-0 leader in EE11. One Brit. para squad does start out for the main LePort buildings, approaching GG9.
APh: One of our 6-pdr AT guns opens up against the German MMG on the Chateau de Benouville roof, and is promptly malfunctioned. Overall, a very good start for Nadir's Germans.
GERMAN TURN 2: Mostly uneventful, as the German Pz Grenadiers continue to move north through Benouville to contact.
BRITISH TURN 2: PFPH: The German “HS from Hell,” now in II14, withstands a 16 FP attack (+4) from II15. Worse, our only Sqd there capable of advancing against it (CC) is pinned by the German sniper. The other Brit. 6-pdr AT Gun opens up on the Chateau de Benouville rooftop, but quickly runs out of HE ammo as our frustrations mount. Note: The captured German 50mm AT gun nearby, though manned (by a “walking wounded” Brit. HS) holds fire.
MPh/APh: The “HS from Hell” KIA's another Brit. HS and an 8-0 Leader attempting to bypass the II15 building. Serious rumors of German para supermen in LePort begin to filter through the now rapidly-diminishing British LePort units. In Benouville, Brit. paras make good progress, advancing 2x 6-4-8 Sqds into N11 into CC with a German 4-3-6 Sqd. The German Sqd is wiped out in CC without loss to us, and we control building N11.
GERMAN TURN 3: Mostly uneventful. The German Pz Grenadiers are now firmly ensconced in the buildings west of Rue du Grand Clos, and the K9/L9 buildings.
BRITISH TURN 3: In LePort, we are able to occupy building II13 (“the sniper steeple”), reducing the German SAN from “5” to “3.” British units in Benouville continue 1-hex assault moves south, now reaching building L12 (further progress than I had anticipated). Col Pine-Coffin (10-2) advances into building N11 with 2x LMG Sqds.
CCPh: In LePort, we continue to try to chase down the “HS from Hell,” and are finally able to advance units into CC with it, in JJ16. We have two 6-4-8 Sqds + a 7-0 leader, vs. the concealed para HS. But, the German HS achieves “ambush,” withdrawing to JJ15, thus slipping away from our grasp to fight another turn.
GERMAN TURN 4: PFPh: Strong German Pz Grenadier units in building K10 (opposing Col. Pine-Coffin in N11) initiates a firefight between these two hexes. The German attack is a 30 FP (+6 DRM) and has no effect! The German rooftop MMG team atop the Chateau de Benouville again makes its presence felt, killing Capt. Todd (9-1) as he fails a wound check. This is a bitter loss for us (but a boon to the British Actor's Guild some 15 years to come, as Richard Todd — the man who played Maj. Howard in the film “The Longest Day,” and who fought at Pegasus Bridge in real life — will now not be present to audition for this role).
BRITISH TURN 4: PFPh: The firefight between Col. Pine-Coffin (N11) and the Pz Grenadiers in K10 continues, with one of the Ger. 4-6-7 Sqds there broken.
DFPh: The German 105mm AFV, now in M7, opens up on Col. Pine-Coffin in N11. High LV + hindrance DRM's prevent any hits on the building. German fire from K10 and now L9 has no effect. Col. Pine-Coffin later advances out, into building M12, as British units continue to make steady, though slow progress, south.CCPh: Alas, the saga of the “Half-Squad from Hell” ends, as the concealed HS is finally cornered in building HH14 and eliminated by two Brit. para Sqds. All of LePort is now in British hands.
GERMAN TURN 5: MPh: A berserk German 4-6-7 Sqd from L9 charges building N11 (now occupied by a single Brit. para Sqd. Against the odds, the berserker makes it into the building.
DFPh: A standoff now sets in across the Rue du Gran Clos, with the British holding a line from K13-N11. Most fire, due to the dawn LV hindrance + high building TEM, is ineffective for both sides. In a surprising turn of events, the German MMG team atop the Chateau de Benouville moves off the roof, towards the I14/J14/J15 woods, where British units there are beginning to build up strength, threatening the Chateau high ground.
CCPh: In buiding N11, the German (berserk) 4-6-7 is wiped out by the Brit. para Sqd there, without Brit. loss.BRITISH TURN 5: PFPh: We are able to stun the German 105mm SPG in M7 by small-arms fire.
MPh: The Brits make a dash for the Chateau de Benouville along the canal tow path — two Sqds now double-timing towards the area. Heavy fighting now is in progress in the I14/J14/J15 woods area. In another unfortunate result for us, Maj. Taylor (9-2) is eliminated for failure to rout in I14, a bitter blow indeed. Still, the British units in the area begin to get the better of the German defenders in this area, and atop the Chateau crestline opposite these woods.
CCPh: We are able to advance uphill for the first time, and in H14 a Brit. para 6-4-8 Sqd eliminates a Ger. 4-6-7 Sqd. Our good fortune in CC continues! And now several British units are converging on the Chateau, with now three Sqds on the high ground.
GERMAN TURN 6: The British line now extends from H14 to N11, and the Pz Grenadiers are unable to make a dent in it. MPh: Now seeing the threat to the Chateau, several Ger. Sqds are double-timed east along the G10-G13 wall, bypassing the woods south of it. One, though, is broken in DFF in G12 by fire from the J13 woods. Now, the German prospects of holding the Chateau appear to be very dim.
BRITISH TURN 6: MPh: Our first Sqd enters the Chateau!. The only defenders present consist of a broken 4-6-7 Sqd. RtPh: The last of the German LePort garrison, a broken/wounded 8-0 leader, chased north along the canal tow path, is finally eliminated in TT17.
GERMAN TURN 7: PFPh: The German 105mm SPG in M7 continues to fire on building N11 — switching now to “Area Target Type” but continues to have no effect.
MPh: German units now are moving along the F10-C13 path, towards the Chateau. Clearly, Nadir's Germans are intent on making a fight to retake it. APh: The German 9-2 (ex of the Chateau MMG rooftop team), still with the MMG but now reinforced with a Sqd, advances into D13, into the Chateau. It has moved into a Hornet's nest though, as several Brit. Sqds are in the general area, and in the Chateau itself.BRITISH TURN 7: The only movement is a large-scale move into building AA13, the Chapel in B16, and towards the Germans in D13. The German stack there is forced into FPF there, and the result breaks all of them. They are, though, able to rout out, and the Chateau is once again British-controlled.
And, at the end of this turn, the scenario ends.
Perimeter at scenario's end (British perimeter in red; German in blue)
IV. Losses
I. BRITISH: 6-4-8 squads x2 (one retained as “Walking Wounded”), 3-3-8 HS, 9-2, 9-1 & 8-0 leaders.II. GERMAN: 4-6-7 squads x5.5, 4-3-6 squad x1, 2-3-8 (“the HS from Hell”) x1, 2-3-7 HS x1, 2-3-6 HS x1, 8-1, 8-0 leaders.
RePh Notes: The German 105mm SPG is retained, and the British 6-pdr AT gun is repaired.
V. OutlookNext comes the Day I scenario, the last where the Brits have to set up first & Germans get to move first. This will see the first major German push-back, as the Germans have 32 CPP's to use and the Brits receive no reinforcements for this scenario. The scenario following Day I is the arrival of Lovatt's Commandos. So, will the Germans gamble and pay a premium CP cost for reinforcements to arrive in LePort, to interdict Lovatt, or will they get the most “bang for their buck” and start the push towards the bridge via Benouville? Can the Brits effectively delay the Pz Grenadiers? Stay tuned…
June 2, 2011 at 3:33 am #6121Robin
I. Preliminaries
Germans set up first; British move first. SAN: British “5,” German “4” — both adjusted for “Night.” During the preceding RePh, in addition to a SAN increase the British up their starshell use drm by one.British Objectives: To finally gain a bridgehead across the canal! The immediate objectives were the four buildings west of, and closest to, the canal: W18, X18 (Cafe Gondree), Z17 (Cafe Picon), & AA17. The plan was to advance only cautiously, expecting the Germans to deploy well forward against the bridge, in strength (they did). If these objectives were gained, the plan was to develop the situation as the tide of battle allowed, but minimizing the British para squad losses. At the outset of this scenario, the number of squads available would be (as I estimate it) approximately even, but with the British squads of considerably greater strength and staying power.
Four strong “kill stacks” would be deployed on the canal to deal with the expected German opposition not only from Cafe Gondree but in any of the hexes immediately in and around the bridge.
II. Setup
A: 4-4-7 x2, LMGx2, 8-1
B: 4-4-7, “?”x2
C: 2-3-6 HS, “?”x2
4-4-7 x2
E: “?”x6
F: “?”x5
G: 4-3-6 x3, H35 tank (VCA Y18)
H: H35 tank (VCA Z18), 8-0, MMG, 2-3-8 HS, 1-2-7 crew, LMG
I: 7-0, 4-3-6 x3
J: “?”x3
K: 7-0, 4-4-7 x3
L: “?”x2
M: “?”x2
N: (HIP): 8-1, 4-4-7 x2
O: (HIP): 8-1, 4-4-7 x2
P: (HIP): 8-0, 4-4-7 x2BRITISH (red) SETUP LEGEND:
“CC: Cloaking Counter”
A: CC's “M:” 3-3-8 HS + CC “G:” dummy
B: CC's “C:” PIAT, 6-4-8 + “I:” 8-0, PIAT, 6-4-8 + “H:” PIAT, 6-4-8
C: CC's “R:” 8-0, PIAT, LMG, 6-4-8 x2 + “S:” dummy + “T:” dummy
CC “E:” 10-2, 6-4-8 x3, LMG x3
E: CC “J:” 8-0, 6-4-8 x3
F: CC “A:” 7-0, 6-4-8 x3
G: CC “F:” dummy
H: CC “K:” 9-2, 6-4-8 x3, LMG x3
I: CC “B:” 2-4-8
J: CC “” 9-1, 6-4-8, 4-5-8 (“walking wounded”) x2
K: CC “Q:” 6-4-8 x2, LMG x2III. Operational Summary
BRITISH TURN 1: PFPh: Most British (cloaked) units are marked “Opportunity Fire.” MPh: A (cloaked) British HS picks up a leftover PIAT in Y19. German units from Y17 (8-0, MMG/2-3-8 HS, LMG/1-2-7 ex tank crew) DFF but have no effect. All British cloaking counters assault-move forward 1 hex. AFPh: The multiple opportunity firers break all the German units in Y17. They rout to the woods in Z16. Two German 4-4-7 Sqds in Cafe Gondree (X18) are broken by Opportunity Fire from X20 (9-2 — Maj. Taylor, 3x 6-4-8 + 3x LMG), and routed to building W18. APh: 1x British cloaking counter (a dummy) advances off the bridge, into Y18. An encouraging first turn for the British.
GERMAN TURN 1: German prep fire, including both tanks on the bridge, has little effect. DFPh: British DF vs. 2x German 4-4-7 Sqds in building Z17 are broken by a DR of “2” from Z20 (10-2 — Col. Pine-Coffin, about whom much will be heard shortly — 3x 6-4-8 + 3x LMG). But, a broken German 8-1 leader HoB's to a Heroic 9-1. The Germans at this point have quite a few broken units. Further DF vs. the same German stack from AA21 & BB20 kills 1x German HS & reduces another. German losses are now beginning to be felt. APh: Two German 4-3-6 Sqds occupy Cafe Picon, Z17).
BRITISH TURN 2: MPh: Three German HIP positions will be revealed, as British units (most still cloaked) continue to assault-move west, off the bridge:
* U18: 8-1, 4-4-7 x2
* AA18: 8-1, 4-4-7 x2
* X17: 8-0, 4-4-7 x2These positions are designed to ensure encirclement of hex Y18, which they will succeed in doing. The British PIAT HS in Y18 is broken (and frankly fortunate to survive). APh: A British 9-1 leader + 1x 6-4-8 Sqd occupies Cafe Gondree (X18), the first strategic location west of the canal to be British-occupied. The aforementioned dummy British cloaking counter meanwhile moves into Cafe Picon (Z17; its occupants being broken by British Prep Fire this turn).
GERMAN TURN 2: PFPh: The British Sqd in Cafe Gondree (X18) is broken by fire by a German Hero + 4-6-7 from X17. But, Capt. Todd (9-1) remains in G.O. The dummy British cloaking counter in Cafe Picon (Z17) is revealed as such by fire from Z16. MPh: The German tanks get underway! From Y17 one tank moves onto the bridge (Y19), to OVR 2x British Sqds there. The tank is first immobilized by AT mines (2x factor) there, and the OVR has no effect. One British Sqd there, with CC Reaction Fire, fails to knock out the tank — immobilizing it for a second time. DFPh: The ex-HIP German 8-1 leader (U18) is KIA by withering British fire from X20 (9-2 + 3x 6-4-
. AFPh: German advancing fire breaks two British Sqds in Y18. Now all three British Sqds west of the canal are broken, and at the end of German Turn 2 things look dicey for the Brits off of the bridge. CCPh: The German Hero & 4-6-7 Sqd, having advanced into Cafe Gondree (X18) attempt to wipe us out. Fortunately for us, CC has no effect, and our broken Sqd survives. This will serve as a most unfortunate turn of events for the Germans there, as time will soon tell. Note: The two British broken Sqds in Y18 remain there in place.
BRITISH TURN 3: The NVR is lowered from “2” to “1.” MPh: A German 7-0 leader is KIA (sniper) in AA16. A bottleneck builds up at the West End of the bridge in Y19. The bridge is now full of British Sqds, leaders & SW awaiting clearance of Cafe Gondree and hex Y18. Col. Pine-Coffin (10-2) with his 3x Sqds, advances into Y18. Will they be able to withstand the sure-to-come German Prep Fire during German Turn 3? CCPh: In Cafe Gondree (X18), the German Hero + 4-6-7 Sqd now face a newly-advanced G.O. British 6-4-8 Sqd (joining Capt. Todd and the broken Sqd). The broken Brit Sqd is eliminated; the rest remain in “melee.” As the British turn ends, it is obvious that Nadir's Germans intend to tenaciously cling to their forward positions, to prevent any substantial British breakout off the bridge. But, their losses continue to mount, and they have many, many broken units.
GERMAN TURN 3: The NVR is lowered again, now to “0.” PFPh: The showdown for hex Y18 has come. British Col. Pine-Coffin's 3x squads there take fire from no less than four hexes. And, in the most significant victory for the British yet in this CG, all three Sqds are pinned but most importantly none are broken! This will have profound consequences, and will in effect doom the German positions close to the bridge. DFPh: From Y18 (Pine-Coffin) and later from both bridge locations (Y19, Y20), withering para fire against Z16 (Heroic 9-1, 8-0 leaders, MMG, LMG x2, 2-3-8 HS + 2x 4-3-6 Sqds) breaks one of the “Ostruppen” conscript Sqds and the 8-0. This now-key German position begins to buckle. Then, from other canal firing positions comes a hammer blow: Three German 4-3-6 Sqds on the X16 crestline are broken! Now, for the first time, things are going seriously wrong for the Germans. CCPh: The German Hero + 4-6-7 face Capt. Todd (9-1) + his 6-4-8 Sqd. This time, the luck is with the British — all the Germans are wiped out with no British losses. Cafe Gondree is now firmly (and permanently, it will turn out) in British control!
BRITISH TURN 4: RPh: One broken German 4-3-6 Sqd (W16) becomes “berserk.” PFPh: The last German defenders in the Z16 woods are broken. MPh: The British are now firmly ensconced west of the canal. Col Pine-Coffin moves into the AA17 building. Now all four of the original objective buildings (W18, X18, Z17 & AA17) are British-controlled. CCPh: The German tank in Y17 has stubbornly refused to give ground, and a British Sqd passes its PAATC & advances into CC with it there. Despite passing its Gammon-Bomb check dr (a -2 CC DRM), it is unable to knock out the tank (the last-remaining of the original Lt. tank Plt — converted French AFV's — starting the CG).
GERMAN TURN 4: Mostly uneventful, but British DF forces the Germans to begin withdrawing west, away from the canal. The German “berserk” 4-3-6 Sqd charges and makes it into X17 (with 1x British Sqd). CCPh: In Y17, the stubborn German tank is finally knocked out by the British Sqd there in melee. And, in X17, the British Sqd deals quickly with the “berserker” German Sqd, wiping it out without loss.
BRITISH TURN 5: (At this point, I have my fingers crossed, hoping for the scenario to continue past this turn, as the Germans are close to the breaking point). The NVR remains at “0” and, with the German leader loss, this will make their ability to interfere with British movement much more difficult due to the potential starshell reduction. MPh: The British are able to move uphill to W15, approaching the schoolhouse (V12) & town hall (W12) — their new objectives. The German defense is now anchored by the 9-1 (Heroic) leader + 3x 4-4-7 Sqds in building Z14, with MG's. That position, though, is now threatened to be flanked by British movement to the north of it.
GERMAN TURN 5: Uneventful. The German defenders from Z14 move into building Z13 (with units both at ground level and L-1), their “alamo” position in the bridge sector. The scenario end dr's, though, fail to end things, and we (quite happily, from the British perspective!) proceed to Turn 6.
BRITISH TURN 6: NVR remains at “0.” British units flank the German positions in building Z13, moving into BB13. Also, British Sqds continue assault-moving towards the town hall (W12) & schoolhouse (V12). German fire from Z13 (Level-1) is unable to stop them. Strong British units are sent scurrying both north and south: 4+ Sqds + 2x leaders are briefly stopped in CC18 by a crested German concealed HS (that I had incorrectly assumed was a “dummy”), but the British units cannot be held back. An entire platoon is double-timed towards LePort via the west canal road. No Germans are anywhere near there. Meanwhile, a platoon is sent south, along the same road, from Cafe Gondree. Again the scenario continues.
GERMAN TURN 6: The Germans abandon building Z13, moving out towards the town hall (W12), in hopes of beating the British into there. They're destined, though, not to succeed. Again the scenario continues; the German losses still mounting.
BRITISH TURN 7: British units occupy both the town hall (W12; German dummy stack there) & the schoolhouse (V12). The British platoon moving south occupies the O16 and R13 buildings. All German units in this sector remain broken. In LePort, British units occupy buildings II15 & JJ16, and also DD11. Again, the scenario continues.
GERMAN TURN 7: Uneventful, except that (mercifully) the scenario finally ends — thus ending the three CG Night scenarios.
Overall, a very successful scenario for the British.
The perimeter at scenario's end:
IV. Losses
I. BRITISH: 6-4-8 squads x4 (two received back as “walking wounded”), LMG x1, PIAT x1.II. GERMAN: 4-4-7 squads x10.5, 4-3-6 squads x5.5, 1-2-7 ex tank crew, 8-1, 8-0 & 7-0 leaders, LMG x2 (captured by the Brits).
V. Outlook
Next comes the Dawn Scenario, with the original Benouville and LePort German Pz. Pioneer Companies well whittled-down, this scenario will see the arrival of the first truly strong German Reinforcement Groups (RG's). Meanwhile, we receive four more para squads, plus two 6-pounder AT Guns (the captured German gun is still operational in X20 — we haven't yet fired it).May 18, 2011 at 8:55 pm #6117Robin
I. Preliminaries
(Germans setup and move first. SAN for both = “4”)British Objectives: My objective for this scenario was simple: take and hold the Cafe Gondree (X18). The early end of the first scenario (Night I) left my Brits stuck on the bridge, and the Germans in possession of all the buildings west of the canal. The ideal British situation following Night I would be holding all those buildings, including the all-important Z13. Sort of a tall order, but doable. Accomplishing this forces the German LePort garrison forces (the attackers for Night II) to start in and around LePort — a considerable distance from the bridge.
As it stood, instead these units started Night II cloaked right up against the bridge, with four tanks to support them. Thus, the Brits began Night II outnumbered and out-gunned (by the four tanks). We did manage to place an AT minefield on the northern end of the bridge (Y19), but by itself was not much comfort.
Hence the modest aims for this scenario: Using Maj. Howard dug in as a base of fire from X20, plus another platoon from W21, in hopes of breaking any/all German defenders in W18/X18, possibly allowing a move into X18 late in this scenario. The odds were against the plan succeeding and, as it turned out, fate wasn't to be on our side either. Note: The nine allowed dummy “?” counters at the northern end of the bridge (Y19) were intended to draw German prep fire during German Turn 1. But Nadir didn't fall for it.
II. Setup
(Possible update re actual specific German starting locations pending)BRITISH UNIT SETUP, LEGEND:
A: “?” x9
B: PIAT, 3-3-8 (“?”)
C: Foxhole (3), 9-2, LMG x3, 6-4-8 x3 (“?”), Ger. 50L AT (unmanned)
Wire, Foxhole (3), 8-1, 4-5-8 x3 (“?”)
E: 8-0, PIAT x2, 4-5-8 x2 (HIP)
F: Trench, 8-0, 7-0, 2-4-8 (“?”)GERMAN UNIT SETUP, LEGEND:
A: 38H 735(f) tank (bypass, Y16) + Cloak counter
B: 38H 735(f) tank + cloak counter
C: 35-2 739(f; “Somua”) tank
(2 hexes North): 38H 735(f) tank
E: cloak counter
F: cloak counter
G: cloak counter
H: cloak counter
I: cloak counterIII. Operational Summary
GERMAN TURN 1: Uneventful. Maj. Howard's DF vs. Cafe Gondree reveals the cloaked German squads there, breaking one.
BRITISH TURN 1: The first bad break occurs — the NVR is reduced to “1.” With the reduced Brit starshell capability, this served to thwart the entire plan which depended on withering 2-hex range fire from X20. Alas, this was to be but the first in a most unfortunate string of events. One Brit concealed 3-3-8 with a PIAT advances to Y19. The rest hold positions, hoping for the moon to reappear.
GERMAN TURN 2: German cloaked units from Z17 splits off an 8-1 + 4-4-7 (“?”), moving into CC with the Brit 3-3-8 on the bridge. Against the odds, the Germans achieve ambush, wiping the Brit HS out. Nadir's victors use the ambush to withdraw, back into the ditch at Y18 — leaving the PIAT in Y19.
BRITISH TURN 2: Lt Sweeney's platoon (with Lt. Wood, 8-0, in tow), ex of W21 but now ineffective due to the reduced night visibility) moves out, onto the bridge, retaining concealment but unfortunately (see below) only briefly. A lone Brit (“?”) 7-0 leader (Lt. Fox, of whom we shall hear quite a bit shortly), advances to Y20.
GERMAN TURN 3: Uneventful save for a French civilian turncoat. During the Ger. RPh, someone blabs to the German defenders in the Cafe Gondree about Lt. Sweeney's location on the bridge, and his platoon's concealment is lost. This will have profound consquences for the platoon, and constitutes the 2nd in a string of unexpected bad luck on the British side. We only hope to catch up to this person later on during the battle…
All three German tanks keep firing on the bridge, to no effect. The NVR (unfortunately) remains at “1.”
BRITISH TURN 3: The aforementioned Lt. Fox assault-moves into Y19 and picks up the PIAT, braving fire from no fewer than four hexes. He is later broken by MG fire from one of the German tanks but is able to rout to Y20 with the PIAT. Lt. Sweeney (8-1)'s platoon (two squads) advances from the bridge into Y18, into the irrigation ditch — the first British units to make it off of the bridge. The question Maj. Howard and all the Brits are asking is: “Can they hold?”
GERMAN TURN 4: Lt. Fox not only rallies but becomes heroic! Initial German prep fire from Z17 (20 FP, +2 DRM) breaks both of the Brit leaders but leaving the two squads unscathed. Further fire, though, from a total of four locations, encircles the location but still the Brit squads hold fast in good order. Now, the German tanks get into the act. Two of them crank up engines and head for the bridge, intent on overrunning the Brits in Y18. The first tank (37mm), has no effect, and the British there hold fire. The German tanks take up positions in X18 (the Somua) and Z18, adjacent to the bridge. Our two squads in Y18, having braved nearly all the fire capable of being brought to bear on them, stand in excellent stead to (during Brit Turn 4) deal out some punishment of their own, into Cafe Gondree.
Alas, in the last APh shot, from one of the 37mm tanks' single CMG (1 FP, +2 DRM!), breaks both of these squads, and our hopes are dashed! Sweeney's forces rout back onto the bridge (Y19), having come tantalyzingly close to success.BRITISH TURN 4: With this turn, the German sniper, heretofore entirely silent, will make himself felt in a devastatingly effective way. The first blow comes when he kills both Lt's Sweeney and Wood in Y19, in a single attack! The news hits Maj. Howard hard. Then the hammer drops: no sooner had he killed the two aforementioned officers, he gets Maj. Howard in his sights and kills him! What a blow! In a game-time span of one minute, three of the Brits' five officers are KIA by the German sniper! British morale begins to sag, but only momentarily — thanks to the irrepressible Lt. Fox. First, he is wounded (yes, by the same sniper!). Unfazed, he proceeds, during the AFPh, to KO the Somua tank in X18 with his PIAT.
Now, with all five of the British leaders that started the scenario either KIA or WIA (four of the five via sniper), things are dicey on Pegasus Bridge for the British.
Game Turn 5 proves uneventful, with the Brits' fortunes, and hopes of holding the bridge, down to Lt. Fox and a lone 4-5-8 squad with him.
GERMAN TURN 6: The wounded heroic Lt. Fox (7-0) knocks out his 2nd tank with his PIAT, a 37mm tank which charges the bridge, ignoring and surviving the 2 AT minefield there. The German tank burns fiercely, illuminating the bridge area for a two-hex radius. Nadir's Germans are now intent on charging the bridge and taking it! During the German APh, two German cloaking counters move onto the bridge (Y19).
BRITISH TURN 6: Lt. Fox + one squad advances into CC with the cloaked German units on the bridge. Two German squads + one 8-1 leader are present. Melee results.
GERMAN TURN 7: Uneventful except that, during the melee combat (reinforced by another German squad), Lt. Fox's luck runs out, as he and his squad are eliminated (along with a German 4-3-6 squad). The scenario (mercifully for the Brits) ends at that point, with the Germans in (temporary) possession of the north end of the bridge.
During the succeeding RePh, the German 8-1 and his two squads on the bridge are isolated, and escape — leaving Lt. Fox's PIAT there. Thus, the scenario ends with the perimeter essentially unchanged, though the Germans technically still control the north end of the bridge.
The perimeter at scenario end:
IV. Losses
I. BRITISH: 4-5-8 squads x3 (two retained as “Walking Wounded”), 3-3-8 HS, 9-2, 8-1, 8-9 & 7-0 leaders, PIAT x2 (both malfunctioned and unable to be repaired).
II. GERMAN: Four squad-equivalents + three squads ELR'd down to conscripts + 1x MMG.
V. Outlook
Next comes the Night III scenario, with the German Benouville garrison (a depleted Pz. Pioneer Company) freed to move to the bridge. But, the British are substantially reinforced by other 6th Airborne units from Ranville: 18x 6-4-8 squads, plus some badly-needed new leaders, PIATs, and LMG's.Can the British finally advance off of the bridge? Do the Germans again defend forward? Stay tuned…
* Sadly, due to the untimely death of Maj. Howard, Lt. Brotheridge (the lone survivor of the LZ Pegasus Bridge British officers) has been detailed to continue the AAR from the British viewpoint.