As I'm re-familiarizing myself with the intricacies of ASL, I find myself doing certain things and not really being sure about the basis for my rules interpretation. One such instance arose with a rout away from an ADJACENT KEU in a connected woods hex to my broken unit. Rather than rout one hex away (into more woods of the same 'complex') I chose to rout completely out of the woods (out of KEU LOS) across some OG and into a building where a friendly leader was located. My opponent suggested that by a strict reading of A10.51 I had to stop in that first non-ADJACENT woods hex (only buildings allow you to ignore hexes of the same building complex in choosing a rout destination).
See the graphic for details:
1) Broken half-squad in w10 is the subject of the discussion
2) Opponent says only rout option is v10
3) I routed to T9 via v9 and u10
If I am correct, on what basis was I allowed to ignore w10?